This experiment uses a photo resistor to switch something on and off based on the light intensity. In this case, it will swith on an LED when it's dark(ish).
Wire up the experiment as shown in fig. 1
In the Arduino IDE, create a new sketch and enter the following code:
const int pResistorPin = A0; // Photoresistor at Arduino analog pin A0
const int ledPin = 9; // Led pin at Arduino pin 9
const int threshold = 25; //You can change threshold value to change the sensitivity.
int value; // Store value from photoresistor (0-1023)
void setup(){
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Set ledPin - 9 pin as an output
pinMode(pResistorPin, INPUT);// Set pResistor - A0 pin as an input (optional)
void loop(){
value = analogRead(pResistorPin);
if (value > threshold){
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);