
On completion of this lab you should be able to write more complex programs demonstrating flow of control (i.e. Sequence, Selection and Iteration) whilst using variables and operators.

Using Variables

  • In this step, you will work on the SomethingFishy4 exercise from lectures.

Set up your fish Sprite

  • Open the Scratch editor (if it is not open already).
  • Create a new file.
  • Add a fish sprite.
  • Delete the cat sprite.

Variables in Scratch

  • To create a variable in Scratch:

    • click on the Data button in the Scripts tab.
    • click on the Make a Variable button and give your variable a name.
  • To view the value stored in your variable, click on the checkbox beside the variable name, as shown in the screen shot below:

Viewing the value in a variable


  • Add the following code:


Test your program

  • Click on the green flag to run your program.
  • Does it work as expected?
    • Does your fish say "Who am I?"? The counter variable should hold a value of 0 at this stage.
    • Does your fish, if you press the a key, say "I'm a fish with a five second memory!" and pause for 5 seconds? Is the counter variable increased by 1?
    • Does your fish, if you press the c key, ignore it?

Saving your work

  • Save your work, calling the file SomethingFishy4.

Variables and Operators

  • In this step, you will work on the SomethingFishy5 exercise from lectures.

Cloning SomethingFishy4

  • As the code in this example is building on the code you wrote for SomethingFishy4, we will make a copy (i.e. clone) of the SomethingFishy4 file and call it SomethingFishy5. To do this:

    • Open SomethingFishy4 (if you haven't got it open already).
    • From the File menu, choose the Save as option.
    • When the window appears, enter SomethingFishy5 as the file name.

Refactoring SomethingFishy4 into SomethingFishy5

  • Change (i.e. refactor) the program so that it is the same as this:


Test your program

  • Click on the green flag to run your program.
  • Does it work as expected?

    • Does your fish say "Who am I?"? The counter variable should hold a value of 0 at this stage.
    • Does your fish, Only tell the user 3 times that “I’m a fish with a five second memory”?
    • If the user asks a 4th time (i.e. they press the ‘a’ key a 4th time), does your fish thell them they have already been told 3 times? Your program should stop running here.

Saving your work

  • Save your work, ensuring the file is called SomethingFishy5.


  • For each exercise listed below, open a new Scratch project.
  • At the end of this page, we have included the solutions. It is a good idea to jump in and have a look at them if you are having any difficulty.

Exercise 1

In this exercise, we want your sprite to count from 1 to 20.

  • Choose any sprite you fancy.
  • Create a variable called counter for this sprite only.
  • Set the value of the counter variable to 0.
  • Write a loop that will continually add 1 to this variable until the value of 20 is reached. Each time that 1 is added to the variable, your Sprite should display the value.

Exercise 2

Using a loop, get your sprite to count out all the even numbers from 1 to 20 e.g.

  • 2,
  • 4,
  • 6,
  • 8,
  • etc.

Exercise 3

Using a loop, get your sprite to say the running total of all even numbers from 1 to 20 inclusive e.g.

  • 2,
  • 6,
  • 12,
  • 20,
  • 30,
  • 42,
  • etc.

Exercise 4

Using a loop, get your SpaceShip Sprite to countdown from 10 and then blast-off.

  • Choose a SpaceShip Sprite.
  • Create a variable called countdown for this sprite only.
  • Set the value of the countdown variable to 10.
  • Get the Sprite to say Starting Countdown....
  • Write a loop that gets the Sprite to count down from 10 to 1.
  • When 1 is reached, your Sprite should say **Blast off!".
  • See can you actually get your Sprite to take off. Hint: look at the Motion scripts.


  • The solutions for this lab are here.

  • You will notice that there are two solutions for each of the first three Exercises above. The reason is that there are multiple ways to approach a problem and each one is correct!

Challenge Exercises

  • These exercises are quite difficult and we don't expect you to be able to complete them straight away. They are challenges for you to investigate and figure out at a later date, should you wish.

  • For each challenge exercise listed below, open a new Scratch project.

  • At the bottom of the page, we have included the solution.

Challenge Exercise 1

  • In this exercise, use a loop to get your Sprite to say the lyrics to the song, Ten Green Bottles.

  • An example of the first verse is below. Keep saying this verse, reducing the bottles by 1 each time until no green bottles are hanging on the wall.

    • 10 green bottles hanging on the wall,
    • 10 green bottles hanging on the wall,
    • And if one green bottle should accidently fall,
    • There'd be 9 green bottles hanging on the wall.

Challenge Exercise 2

  • In this exercise, your Sprite should choose a random number between 1 and 20.

    • If the number is even, your Sprite should say Even and display the number.

    • Likewise, if the number is odd, it should say Odd and display the number.

  • This processing should continue until the number 7 is chosen at random.

Hint: You will need to use the mod operator for this exercise. When a number is mod by another number, the answer is the remainder. For example, 6 mod 3 is 0 whereas 7 mod 3 is 1.


Challenge Exercise Solutions.